Prevent Terrorism

The state has the obligation and primary responsibility to prevent and combat terrorism and organised crime, as well as to respect and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. However, the state needs to draw on the support of society in general, including civil society and businesses, to successfully counter this phenomenon.

Warwickshire is a relatively safe place to live and most crime types are continuing to reduce. However, we also live in a global community which means we are affected by trends and events that occur at the international level. At present, we need to consider the international threat of terrorism and those people who are pulled into groups that support extremist causes.

In Warwickshire, authorities and communities are working together to deliver the Government’s Prevent Strategy. Prevent is one of four objectives which make up the Government’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism – CONTEST.

There is a need for a more comprehensive approach towards preventing such threats, which involves not only the public authorities, but also businesses and members of the public across Warwickshire to monitor any potential threat and remain vigilant.
60 Second Security Checklist

Specialist advice for companies operating in crowded places, such as major events, sport stadia, visitor attractions, bars, theatres and shopping centres, is available on the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) website along with CT Policing’s new ACT Awareness e-Learning tool. The tool, developed to provide nationally accredited counter terrorism guidance helps industry better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology. The training takes just 45 minutes to complete and could save lives.

Sixty Second Security is a quick list of security-minded questions that all security and crowded places staff should know the answers to in order to improve reactions to emergency situations.

Sixty Second Security Check List:

  1. Who is appointed to make decisions on the shop floor, and do they know what they’re doing?
  2. How do you enter and exit the building in emergency?
  3. How do you lock down quickly?
  4. Where can you hide?
  5. How do you communicate and how do you stay updated if you find yourself in a RHT scenario?
  6. Have you briefed your staff?

Training Courses

Workshop to Raise Awareness on Prevent (WRAP) is a specialist workshop designed by HM government to provide you with an understanding of the Prevent strategy and your role within it. It is available to communities, individuals, professionals, agencies, partners and commissioned services. Group or team training sessions on WRAP can be arranged at a time convenient to yourselves, to organise this please contact

The Prevent Strategy

The Prevent Strategy has three key objectives:

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it;
  • Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support; and
  • Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address.
It is set up to challenge all forms of terrorism, including the influence of far right and far left extremists. It defines extremism as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”.

Prevent operates in a pre-criminal space, providing support and re-direction to vulnerable individuals at risk of being groomed into terrorist activities before any crimes are committed. Radicalisation could be comparable to other forms of harm and abuse. It is therefore considered a safeguarding issue and thought of alongside the wider safeguarding agenda.