Warwickshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership

Warwickshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership

Business Crime Reduction Partnerships across the UK and Warwickshire


There are over 250 business crime reduction partnerships [BCRPs] operating in the UK. They range in size from limited schemes operating in small towns to city wide operations with several staff and hundreds of members.






WarwickshireBusiness Watch and the Warwickshire Retail Crime Initiative (WRCI) are working closely with police forces and councils to make their localities safer places to live, work and visit and, as funding for statutory services gets tighter, BCRPs are gaining in influence and importance across the country.

The National Association of Business Crime Partnerships [NABCP] is the umbrella body representing BCRPs at a national level where Warwickshire is proud to be part of. It seeks to promote the concept of BCRPs to local and national government and to increase the collective effectiveness of the hundreds of schemes across the country by lobbying for greater resources and influence.

It is also a repository of information offering members a range of resources on recent legislation, best practice, document templates, accreditation and news about innovative ideas being employed by its members.

Becoming a member of WRCI is open to all businesses across Warwickshire and will help bring the community together into more local schemes for crime prevention and support for businesses.

For more information do not hesitate to contact us filling in the Contact Form by clicking here.

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